Welcome to the Black Tech Strike Force.

datcode is a vibrant, inclusive community of Black and Brown technologists* sharing knowledge, meeting new people, and doing the most.

*everyone is welcome; the requirement is loving us :)

We are technologists

The community loves to code, but tech isn't just code. We cover all of tech's facets - from design to data science - and want to help those eager to learn find the perfect area to pique their interests and get 'em creating.

Here's what our community has to offer, so you can get what you want and need. No pressure.


With a community of developers new and old, you'll be able to find the help you need on your coding journey. Tons of learning resources are shared, too, giving you a plethora of options.


Well-designed products are important, and you'll be able to get tips and how-tos from people who love to design tech as much as coding it.


Hearing different points of view from people of all walks of life is invaluable to our growth. Good thing we like talking a lot in our Slack group!


One of the most important things is doing your reps. Practice your skills on the various community projects we have going, and get meaningful experience for your career path in tech.


We all need money, and it's probably why you're here in the first place. Get leads on jobs from the postings shared by our members, and get advice on how to nail that tech interview.

Sign up to join the Slack group!

You'll come for the knowledge, but stay for the culture. Don't miss out on the conversation in our Slack group - sign up for an invite!

Quick note: we ask that all information given is valid; we care a lot about the safety of our members, and each new sign-up is vetted before entry. To take a look at our code of conduct, please go here.

Learning Hobbyist
Learning Professional
Expert Professional
